

Public Function get_alt_parts(ByVal part_num As String, _

                              ByVal domain_name As String, ByVal mod_level As String) _

                              As Integer




This API builds a list of the alternate parts (table_partnum_view) for the specified part and revision, and sets the fccl property ret_string with the pipe-delimited list of parts.




Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                                          

part_num                               Yes                         The part number

domain_name                       Yes                         The domain of the part

mod_level                              Yes                         The revision of the part




Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                                               

0                                                                     No errors

+1                                            No alternate parts exist

-1                                             No part number supplied

-2                                             No domain supplied

-3                                             Cannot locate the supplied part number

-4                                             Cannot locate the supplied revision


ret_string                               Output                   Returns a pipe delimited list of alternate parts found




·         Get the alternate parts for MS Word 7.0:


Visual Basic:


Dim ret_int   As Integer

Dim part_list As String


ret_int = fccl.get_alt_parts("MS Word", "Product", "7.0")

If ret_int = 0 Then

  part_list = fccl.ret_string

End If




var ret_int = fccl.get_alt_parts("MS Word", "Product", "7.0");


If (ret_int == 0) { var part_list = fccl.ret_string; }